November 24-26 2017 – Aubry & Tabti exhibition at FRISE, Hamburg

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November 24-26 2017 – Aubry & Tabti exhibition at FRISE, Hamburg

Tandem exhibition with Youssef Tabti at FRISE Künstlerhaus, Hamburg, November 24-26 2017. Two new installation by Aubry “The sickle and the antenna (a communism of waves)” and “who ears the desert”

August 17 2017 – The Gramophone Effect on Deutschlandfunk radio

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August 17 2017 – The Gramophone Effect on Deutschlandfunk radio

  World premiere broadcast of “The Gramophone Effect” (German version), by Gilles Aubry & Robert Millis on German National Radio Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Time: August 17 2017 night at 5′ past midnight (technically already August 18 ) Link to radio station page HERE The Gramophone Effect (2017, 45′) Departing from historical accounts by recording pioneers such ...

July 10-17 2017 – Artist in residence at Caravane Festival in Tighmert, Morocco

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July 10-17 2017 – Artist in residence at Caravane Festival in Tighmert, Morocco

Looking forward to participate to the Caravane Festival in Tighmert. More info:

June 27, 2017 – extimacies, a new sound piece on Documenta14 radio

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June 27, 2017 – extimacies, a new sound piece on Documenta14 radio

“extimacies – part 1″, a new sound piece by Gilles Aubry will be premiered on Savvy Funk, Documenta14 radio program, as part of the “Saout Africa(s)” radio show, on June 27th, 18h. Listen to it live via the following live stream:  

June 17 2017 – Public presentation, Trachsel Archiv, Passagenhaus Dalvazza/Küblis

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June 17 2017 – Public presentation, Trachsel Archiv, Passagenhaus Dalvazza/Küblis

        Audiosession Samstag, 17. Juni, 16–19 Uhr offen ab 15.30 Gilles Aubry, Karen Geyer, Marc Matter Gespräche, Live-Acts, Archiv-Stücke mit anschliessendem Essen Eintritt frei (Kollekte) Passagenhaus Dalvazza/Küblis Archiv, Bibliothek und Passagenhaus des Künstlers Peter Trachsel (1949–2013) bilden Ausgangspunkt und Gesprächsstoff im Treffen der drei Audiokünstler/innen, die abwechselnd und gemeinsam auftreten. Eine Veranstaltung ...

May 3rd 2017 – Presentation at Le Cube, Rabat

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May 3rd 2017 – Presentation at Le Cube, Rabat

Gilles Aubry and Zouheir Atbane will make a joint presentation of their research project on the Paul Bowles Moroccan Music Collection (1959). Le Cube art space, Rabat May 3rd 2017, 18h30   Partant de leurs recherches autour de la collection Paul Bowles de musiques marocaines (1959), Aubry et Atbane invitent le public à explorer ...

April 8 2017 – Premiere of “The Gramophone Effect” at documenta 14 inauguration in Athens

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April 8 2017 – Premiere of “The Gramophone Effect” at documenta 14 inauguration in Athens

“The Gramophone Effect”, a new sound piece made in collaboration with Robert Millis will be premiered at the inauguration of documenta 14 in Athens on april 8th, 1pm, as part of the Every Time A Ear di Soun program. The piece will be broadcasted on Cannibal Radio, SW 15560 kHz all over the world, FM ...

March 24-25 2017 – Live in London & Stuttgart

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March 24-25 2017 – Live in London & Stuttgart

March 24th, Stuttgart, venue TBA, w/ Pure Mania and Papiro March 25th, Cafe Oto, London, w/ Don’t DJ, Pure Mania, Fred Hystère, Valentina Magaletti  

February 24 2017 – Exhibition opening, Alhamra Arts Center, Lahore

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February 24 2017 – Exhibition opening, Alhamra Arts Center, Lahore

  The Exhibition “Digging Deep, Crossing Far_ 4th Encounter” will open at Alhamra Arts Center in Lahore. February 24 to March 3, 2017 Opening times: Daily from 9 am to 6 pm with Bani Abidi – Ayisha Abraham – Gilles Aubry – Jamil Baloch – Sarnath Banerjee – Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro & Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat ...